Outlaw Half Woburn 2022 Cancelled
We are sorry and disappointed to have to cancel Outlaw Half Woburn 2022. This decision has been taken after careful consideration of several factors which will inhibit our ability to deliver the experience that athletes enjoy and expect from an Outlaw event.
In comparison with other Outlaw events, the number of entries has been low. We unfortunately had limited date choices for 2022 and there were already other major events taking place on that weekend which had opened entries well ahead of us.
Athletes being committed elsewhere along with the effect of the pandemic, has meant that there are a lot of rolled over places in other events from 2020 and 2021. Despite the positive response, athletes were simply unable to come to Woburn due to prior commitments.
We remain extremely grateful to the Duke and Duchess of Bedford for granting us access to their incredible grounds. We are committed to hosting Outlaw Half Woburn in 2023 and are keen to reinforce just how breath taking the location is for a middle-distance triathlon event!